General Information
I'm currently accepting ANY genre of book for review as I'm trying to expand my horizons and step out of my reading comfort zone. I particularly enjoy Young Adult contemporary and Adult Romance however.
I do accept e-books if it is something I am really interested in and any form of print book, whether that be a finished copy or an ARC is welcome!
Accepting Books
If I accept a book for review, I will 100% guarantee to write a review as soon as I am finished reading it, however I may not be able to read the book as soon as I receive it due to the high number of books on my TBR shelf that I need to get through and review.
I can, however, promise that I will attempt to read and review the book within 2 months of receiving it.
All of my reviews will be on my Goodreads page and most will also be featured on here but it is not a guarantee I will post the review on here, as I make these much more detailed and in depth. If you would like the review of your book to be on this blog AS WELL AS on Goodreads, please make that clear in your email request.
My reviews on here will include the obvious book details such as title, author, date published, publisher and Goodreads synopsis in the first paragraph. I will then split my review into 5 sections: cover, plot, characters, writing and overall. I will conclude with the star rating out of five.
My rating system is as follows:

If I did not finish the entire book, I will specify DNF in the review and explain what page I reached and why I didn't finish.
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